Item Property (Fields Collection) 

The Item property returns a single Field19WJLQ9 object from the collection. Read-only.




objFieldsColl.Item(name [, propsetID])


Required. Specifies the Fields collection object.


Short integer (less than or equal to 65535; &Hffff). Specifies the index within the collection.


Long integer (greater than or equal to 65536). Specifies the property tag value for the MAPI property to be retrieved.


String. Specifies the name of the user-defined property.


Optional. String. Contains the unique identifier for the property set, represented as a string of hexadecimal characters. When propsetID is not supplied, the property set used for the access is the default property set value set by this collection s SetNamespace method, or the initial default property set value, PS_PUBLIC_STRINGS.

Data Type



The Item property works like an accessor property for small collections. In the Fields collection object it allows access to the predefined MAPI properties and to your own custom user-defined properties.

The long value greater than 65,535 represents a property tag. A property tag is a 32-bit unsigned integer that contains the property identifier in its high-order 16 bits and the property type (its underlying data type) in the low-order 16 bits. All MAPI properties are accessible except those of types PT_OBJECT and PT_CLSID.

Several macros for C/C++ programmers are available in the MAPI SDK to help manipulate the property tag data structure. The macros PROP_TYPE and PROP_ID extract the property type and property identifer from the property tag. The macro PROP_TAG builds the property tag from the provided type and identifier components.

For example, you can use the following function to access a custom user-defined property using its property name:

' from the function Fields_ItemByName()

    ' error handling here...

    If objFieldsColl Is Nothing Then

        MsgBox "must first select Fields collection"

        Exit Function

    End If

    Set objOneField = objFieldsColl.Item("Keyword")

    If objOneField Is Nothing Then

        MsgBox "could not select Field object"

        Exit Function

    End If

    If "" = objOneField.Name Then

        MsgBox "Field has no name; ID = " & objOneField.Id


        MsgBox "Field name = " & objOneField.Name

    End If


You can also use the Item property to access MAPI properties. Note that the built-in MAPI properties are unnamed properties that can only be accessed using the numeric value. They cannot be accessed using a string that represents the name. The following example accesses the MAPI property PR_MESSAGE_CLASS:

' from the function Fields_Selector()

    ' ... error handling here

    ' you can provide a dialog to allow entry for MAPI proptags

    ' or select property names from a list; for now, hard-coded

    lValue = &h1a001e ' &H1a = PR_MESSAGE_CLASS;

                      ' &H001e = 30 = PT_STRING8

    ' high-order 16 bits is property id; low-order is property type

    Set objOneField = objFieldsColl.Item(lValue)

    If objOneField Is Nothing Then

        MsgBox "Could not get the Field using the value " & lValue

        Exit Function


        strMsg = "Used " & lValue & " to access the MAPI property "

        strMsg = strMsg & "PR_MESSAGE_CLASS: type = " & objOneField.Type

        strMsg = strMsg & "; value = " & objOneField.Value

        MsgBox strMsg

    End If


The OLE Messaging Library also supports multivalued MAPI properties.

You can also choose to access properties from other property sets, including your own, by either setting the propsetID parameter or by calling the SetNamespace1XBJQQ0 method to set that property set s unique identifier.

The Item property is the default property of a Fields collection, meaning that Fields(index) is syntactically equivalent to Fields.Item(index) in Visual Basic code.

See Also

Customizing a Folder or Message12AOPC6, Viewing MAPI Properties15.D2AO